I am a first-year masters student at French engineering school Grenoble INP - Ensimag. I attend classes such as Modeling & C++ programming, 3D Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Advanced Algorithms and Cryptography. During my bachelor, I studied Advanced Calculus, Advanced Algebra and Physics.

 I started studying Machine Learning during my free time several months ago. I first went trough the Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning course on Coursera. Then, I studied the Google’s course “Intro to Machine Learning” on Udacity. After that, I went through a bunch of online guides and articles about neural networks. Nowadays, I am practicing what I have learned so far by doing multiple concrete ML projects on various subjects: AI for games, classification, NLP, Image Processing etc.

 I started the blog in March 2017. It is intended for educational and sharing purposes. This blog also allows me to formalize the concepts I manipulate in Machine Learning, making me step back on them. Consequently, I am very open to feedback about my work.

 On a personal life, I am driven by a thirst for learning and solving challenges. I’m passionate about philosophical discussions; I am also a huge fan of Isaac Asimov’s Fundation cycle, which have had a great impact on my way of thinking. I like to play video games and I listen to music probably more than 15 hours a day.